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For some months in 2016, I was responsible for the administration of the facebook page of the UN Secretary General Campaign UNite to End Violence Against Women for Latin America ad the Caribbean (UNETE LAC) and its Network of Artists: Red de Artistas UNETE LAC. (LINK)

I then organized the first webinar for the network and chose the theme "Art for the Empowerment of Women". People from all Latin America watched it and the panelists were MARIA MARIA ACHA-KUTSCHER (graphic and conceptual artist, from Peru/Mexico/Spain) and GABY BACA VAUGHAN (musician/composer, from Nicaragua) who discussed how they fight for women's rights through their artistic expression. (LINK)

Webinar for UNete Lac

This Webinar was organized by the Feminist Facebook Page Diario de Alma (link) 

In this webinar, the theme was Feminist Men. Three men were invited, one from Spain, the other one, from Uruguay and myself. The coordinator asked me about how I saw women's issues through my experience while writing my book and collecting girls experiences of abuse and resilience. (LINK)


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